KONTRAX obtains the status Dell Technologies Titanium Partner for Bulgaria

from 29/03/2021

As a result of their high financial scores in the realization of products and solutions by Dell Technologies, as well as due to the expanding of their team of certified experts and system architects, KONTRAX obtained the highest partner level of Dell Technologies – Titanium Partner for Central and East Europe. This award strengthens once more the company’s position as one of the leading suppliers with competences about the entire manufacturer’s portfolio, namely:

  • Client – full range of end-user solutions (mobile and desktop computers, graphic stations, thin clients, computer accessories and peripherals, protection software and terminal devices management)
  • Server – server and network equipment
  • Storage – storage systems, data protection solutions, HCI

Due to the increased qualification of the engineers and the business focused development in way of hyperconverged infrastructure solutions, disk arrays, data protection and backup solutions, KONTRAX signed at the beginning of the year, a direct partnership agreement for the legacy EMC products, and thus improves the delivery and service conditions for this part of the portfolio of Dell Technologies.