Servers and storages


KONTRAX offers the full range of servers and storages of Dell and Fujitsu.


  • Tower, rack and blade servers, as well as converged platforms and specialized computing units
  • Disk arrays of the type of NAS, DAS, SAN, Software-Defined storage
  • Specialized solutions for storage and data management, backup & recovery


KONTRAX is a Dell Premier Partner and a Fujitsu Select expert and an authorized service center for Bulgaria for the entire product range of both manufacturers. KONTRAX has highly qualified and manufacturer-certified service engineers who take care of product installation and maintenance of already built solutions.


The company has high expertise in deployment of complex solutions based on servers and storages and provides assistance at every stage of the preparation, building and maintenance of the solution.

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy

Delivery of computer equipment, computer components and office equipment (incl. computer components for upgrading of servers and computers)

Toplofikacia Sofia
Toplofikacia Sofia

Active Directory Migration

Registry Agency
Registry Agency

Delivery of a set of information equipment to build an emergency recovery data center (ERDC)