The financial sector is the most dynamic and the most sensitive to global macroeconomic changes. Solutions KONTRAX provides for this sector of the economy are constantly evolving based on experience and know-how gained by the company’s work with most of the banking and insurance institutions in Bulgaria.
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KONTRAX participates successfully in the development of information and communication infrastructures of companies in the Telecom and Utilities sectors.
KONTRAX has a special focus on IT solutions for the health sector in Bulgaria. With more than 6 000 doctors who use the Hippocrates family software products on a daily basis, the company is the largest provider of health information systems in Bulgaria.
KONTRAX has been a long-time trustes partner of leading companies in the Construction sector in the development of information and communication infrastructures in the so-called “Intelligent buildings and complexes” – BMS solutions for business offices and multipurpose buildings, hotel, vacation and golf resorts, logistic parks.
KONTRAX has extensive experience in serving clients in the field of trade and services with comprehensive service and supply of ICT from one place.
Education is an area that places specific requirements for accessibility, equipment storage, energy efficiency, quality system administration and service maintenance, appropriate risk assessment and preventive actions in relation to emergency situations before the information and communication technology.
Every citizen and every business uses the services of the public sector and interacts daily with the state administration. Whether it is about national, regional or local level, KONTRAX offers solutions for issuing documents or for protection against disaster that enable institutions to honour their promises to the public.
from 09/01/2020
from 04/12/2019
from 26/11/2019
from 12/11/2019