Cyber security – key component of the state national security

from 19/07/2019


Today, the government, organizations, and the business all over the world is facing daily various cyber-attacks attempting to obtain illegal access to sensitive information regarding important data and even strategic objects of national importance.

The meeting of the North Atlantic Council at Warsaw (July, 8th – 9th, 2016) defined the fifth domain in the NATO platform for security and defense, where the cyber security is determined as one of the main priorities of the organization. Defined are also the priority trends for establishing common capabilities of the Alliance, including the cyber defense in the process of planning and increasing the investments of member countries in this field.


Republic of Bulgaria is one the leading countries that signed a memorandum for implementation of Warsaw decision for announcing the cyber space as separate domain in NATO.

In response to the obligation undertook, in 2016 the Council of Ministers adopts the National Strategy for cyber security “Cyber Resilient Bulgaria 2020“, and at the end of the last year, the National Parliament adopted also a Cybersecurity Act, The strategy and the law state that the cyber security is a key component of the state national security, and the cyber space is defined as specific virtual territory without physical boundaries, where the “democratic functioning of institutions and general rights and freedoms of citizens shall also be guaranteed”.

The following main goals are defined:

  • Establishment and development of the national system for cyber security and resilience
  • Network and information security
  • Protection and resilience of the digitally dependent crucial infrastructures
  • Improvement of interaction and sharing of information between the state, businesses and the public
  • Strengthening the actions against the cyber criminals
  • Cyber defense and protection of the national security
  • International interactions – cyber diplomacy and operational collaboration

For achieving these goals, the MF, MoI, SANS, SAEG and the other competent authorities in the field of cyber security need to appropriately and timely develop and obtain capabilities for cyber defense and protection as inseparable part of the system for national security governance.

KONTRAX, together with one of the world leaders in the field of defense and security, General Dynamics Mission Systems, has the potential to integrate solutions for meeting the technological challenges, which the state, the government and the society are facing. A team of expert with proven experience, asseses the risk level of different crucial infrastructures and the vulnerabilities in their control and communication systems posed by the cyber-attack of various origin; detects the lack or incomplete implementation and observance of company and organizational policies and measures of information security, which are the precondition and facilitation for the cyber criminals. The cyber security team is trained to detect deviations in the cyber space, being out of the specified level of confidentiality, integrity, accessibility, authenticity and fault0tolerance of the information resources, systems and services. Through regular reviews and assessment of risks and threats the team provides proposals for improving the protection measures based on the legal limits and regulatory mechanisms for realization of the strategy and the national policies.

Together with General Dynamics Mission Systems, KONTRAX offers:

  • Protection and integration of cyber security layers
  • In-depth protection
  • Active measures
  • Warning for future threats
  • Automated training processes