Technical University, Sofia


Delivery, installation, training and maintenance of a specialized software package for streaming and recording of 150 video learning materials


Technical University, Sofia


Delivery and installation of LifeSize UVC Video Center.

A specialized software package for streaming and recording of 150 video learning materials – LifeSize UVC Video Center Enterprise Edition, for the needs of the university was delivered and installed. The system allows for 750 simultaneous broadcasts with a resolution of 720p. It allows access to a private channel for streaming and recording of compatible videoconferencing systems such LifeSize Express 220, LifeSize Team 220, etc.


The system allows university students to have access to a large database of pre-recorded learning and other video materials, and helps to expand the means of education and training of students. Access is carried out both in the university’s network and through the Internet, as users receive a username and a password to access the system.

Ministry of Education and Science (MES)
Ministry of Education and Science (MES)

Acquisition of computers and hardware – building a data center and related infrastructure