Sofia Tech Park


Supply of machinery, software and specialized equipment for the need of the laboratory complex of Sofia Tech Park JSC

Period of implementation

Contracts were completed during the last quarter of 2015.


Sofia Tech Park JSC

Supplied equipment

  • Specialized software and a single specialized system for emulation of physical actions in a virtual environment
  • Delivery, installation and commissioning of a conferencing system with separate areas (in simulation halls)
  • Three-dimensional (3D) scanner (contactless and contact) with software and a multisensor high precision metrology system – designed for physical identification of objects in a computer form / metrology (RE – Reverse Engineering / M-Metrology) and a system for fast building of large-sized plastic elements
  • Equipment of a virtual reality laboratory
  • Delivery, installation and commissioning of technical and technological equipment, computer and office equipment necessary for the functioning of the Science and Technology Park


The supplied equipment will be used in most laboratories of the Technology Hub. A large part of it is imported for the first time in Bulgaria and is a technological challenge. Physical activity emulation software, virtual reality equipment and many other specialized systems are subject to the contracts implemented by KONTRAX. They will be used by the scientists from the Technical University of Sofia, the Sofia University and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences who will work in the laboratories.

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EKO Bulgaria

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