Social Assistance Agency


Comprehensive post-warranty service maintenance and repair of computer, copier and peripheral devices / servers, desktops, monitors, peripherals and UPS

Period of implementation

2014 – 2015


Social Assistance Agency


Service maintenance of all SAA hardware, including diagnostics, repairs and replacement of spare parts of the existing hardware.
More than 3,000 maintained devices and systems in more than 160 offices of the SAA in the country.

Post-warranty service maintenance covers the following activities:

Accepting a request about problems, diagnostics, prophylaxis, repair of defective devices and replacing unrepairable ones with new parts.

The KONTRAX Service maintenance covers the following activities:

  • Receiving and registration of failure request
  • Transportation to and from the respective SAA unit
  • Diagnostics of the faulty device
  • Repair / restoration of the device operability
  • Plugging and connecting workstations to the appropriate local area network of the territorial unit, if necessary
  • Setup and reconfiguration of local area network, if necessary
  • Installation and reinstallation of software programs and products, operating systems and office applications
  • Installation and setup of peripherals, if necessary
  • Monthly reporting of performed activities

The deadline for repair is immediately or within the shortest possible time up to 3 /three/ working days from receiving the request.

Smolyan Municipality
Smolyan Municipality

Delivery of electronic guides under the project “Momchilova Fortress – Myths Come Alive”

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy

Delivery of computer equipment, computer components and office equipment (incl. computer components for upgrading of servers and computers)

Sofia Municipality
Sofia Municipality

Delivery of licenses for a one-year software and technical support of Novell licenses

Razgrad Municipality
Razgrad Municipality

Delivery of facilities, equipment and furniture for the project “Abrittus – Mysticism and Reality”


Delivery of hardware for the system of the Ministry of Finance under Lot 2

Bulgarian Posts
Bulgarian Posts

Provision of the right to use Microsoft Enterprise Subscription Agreement software products

Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency
Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency

Technical assistance and hardware maintenance

Sofia Municipality
Sofia Municipality

Building a Contact Center (CALL.SOFIA.BG)

Employment Agency (EA)
Employment Agency (EA)

Service maintenance of all hardware, including diagnostics, repairs and replacement of spare parts of existing hardware.

Smolyan District Administration
Smolyan District Administration

Creation of an info point system for external use on the territory of the Smolyan District

Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria
Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria

Delivery and Installation of Computer Equipment.

Employment Agency
Employment Agency

Post-warranty maintenance of public terminals (KIOSK)

National Association of Municipalities
National Association of Municipalities

Delivery of office equipment and hardware under Lot 2

Burgas Municipality
Burgas Municipality

Building a comprehensive information system for the work of Burgas Municipal Council

Registry Agency
Registry Agency

Delivery of a set of information equipment to build an emergency recovery data center (ERDC)

Yambol Municipality
Yambol Municipality

Interactive multimedia system

National Expert Medical Commission
National Expert Medical Commission

Provision of computer and communication equipment